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Sun Yat-sen University's Institute of Regional Openness and Collaboration: leveraging China-Europe Railway Express for Guangdong's global trade strategy

2023-08-08 01:02:25来源:羊城派

As the China-Europe Railway Express service from Guangdong surpasses its 1000th journey since its inaugural run in 2016, a wave of "Made in Guangdong" products is riding the momentum across the vast Eurasian continent. With its prominent sea and air cargo volumes, Guangdong aims to harness the potential of the China-Europe railway Express to bolster its global trade endeavors. Dr. Mao Yanhua, Dean of the Institute of Regional Openness and Collaboration at Sun Yat-sen University, sheds light on this strategic move.

According to Dr. Mao Yanhua, China-Europe Railway Express offer unmatched advantages over traditional sea and air transport, including rapid delivery, cost-effectiveness, and heightened safety. "These trains transform production sites into export hubs, enabling local customs clearance and container loading without the need for multiple intermodal transports or domestic rail transfers. By optimizing routes, goods can be transported "point-to-point" from source to markets in Central Asia and Europe, saving costs associated with various transfers and expediting delivery," explains Dr. Mao Yanhua.

While domestic maritime and air transport capacities have returned to normal levels, China-Europe Railway Express continue to demonstrate growth potential.


Dr. Mao Yanhua underscores their role in promoting high-quality development within the context of the Belt and Road Initiative, ensuring smooth trade flows with countries along the route. This service is an essential component of China"s efforts towards high-level international openness. The trains have also facilitated policy communication concerning infrastructure and regulatory alignment between China and Eurasian nations, capitalizing on economies of scale. As return trips and container load factors increase, the impact of China-Europe Railway Express on import expansion is set to become increasingly pronounced.

Regarding how China-Europe Railway Express can further facilitate Guangdong"s international expansion, Dr. Mao Yanhua suggests that the region should diversify its export markets by capitalizing on the trains" services. "While traditional maritime and air transport primarily connects coastal port cities, China-Europe Railway Express can help Guangdong reach emerging markets in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, enhancing the region"s outreach," she notes.

Dr. Mao Yanhua emphasizes that China-Europe Railway Express should be viewed not only as transport means but also as a catalyst for trade innovation. She proposes that Guangdong draw inspiration from the experience of inland cities like Xi"an, Chongqing, and Zhengzhou, integrating trade and transport seamlessly. By leveraging the China-Europe Railway Express, Guangdong could effectively achieve interconnection between foreign trade, foreign investment, outsourcing, foreign economic cooperation, and external knowledge transfer, providing tailored services to businesses seeking international expansion.

Specifically, Guangdong can capitalize on the synergy between the logistics corridor of China-Europe Railway Express and its industrial base. Initiatives such as enhancing collaboration between two regions" industries and strengthening storage and logistics facilities at destination stations can maximize the spill-over effects of the trains. This comprehensive approach would stimulate synchronized growth in the movement of goods, capital, and information, propelling Guangdong"s industrial upgrades and technological innovation through trade-led initiatives.








具体来说,广东要把中欧班列的物流通道和生产基地的优势结合起来,开展两地产业的投资与合作,如借助“点对点”运输优势,在目的地站点加强货栈、物流基地的建设,充分发挥中欧班列的外溢效应,带动货物流、资金流、信息流的联动发展,进而以贸易带动广东的产业升级和技术创新。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

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